//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SVR Mod, for CoD Support site: http://aigaming.net | number_07@hotmail.com // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ADMINS: Be very careful when editing this file, as the server may crash! // Edit the text at the end of each line. Do not change anything else. // Do not use color codes. Colors are defined in the svr_stats.cfg file. // // Example: To change the word Score to Points, you would end up with this: // // game["svrSL"]["score"] = &"Points "; init(hud, end) { if (hud || end) { // Common labels: game["svrSL"]["score"] = &"Punkty "; game["svrSL"]["awards"] = &"Nagrody "; game["svrSL"]["kills"] = &"Zabitych "; game["svrSL"]["deaths"] = &"Śmierci "; game["svrSL"]["assist"] = &"Asyst "; game["svrSL"]["ratio"] = &"Stosunek "; game["svrSL"]["spree"] = &"Seria "; game["svrSL"]["head"] = &"Głowa "; game["svrSL"]["knife"] = &"Nóż "; game["svrSL"]["lkill"] = &"Najw odl zabicia "; game["svrSL"]["lhead"] = &"Najw odl strz w głowę "; } if (end) { // Endstats only: game["svrSL"]["title1"] = &"Najlepsi na tej mapie"; game["svrSL"]["title2"] = &"Twoje statystyki na tej mapie"; game["svrSL"]["capture"] = &"Przechwyceń "; game["svrSL"]["defend"] = &"Obrona "; game["svrSL"]["defuse"] = &"Rozbrojenia "; game["svrSL"]["destroy"] = &"Zniszczenia "; game["svrSL"]["pickup"] = &"Podniesień "; game["svrSL"]["plant"] = &"Podłożenia "; game["svrSL"]["returns"] = &"Odzyskań"; game["svrSL"]["allied"] = &"Alianci "; game["svrSL"]["alive"] = &"ywi "; game["svrSL"]["bspree"] = &"Najlepsza seria "; game["svrSL"]["exp"] = &"Wybuchy "; game["svrSL"]["hits"] = &"Celność "; } }